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Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Insanity Uncertainty

I woke this morning very excited about the uncertainty principle. I had actually meant to go to church today, sometimes i do that. Sometimes I pick a religion and go to it's services. There is God within all of them, which is not to say God is not also without them as well. Anyway my alarm had unset itself. In this house where I am staying, the electrodynamics are constantly inconstant. And all this to merely say I woke and rushed to the book I am reading, Einstein his Life and Universe, by Walter Isaacson, New York Times best seller. I have been mulling over the uncertainty principle which annoyed Albert so much. It states that a particle cannot be observed as is without altering it vastly, actually Einstein says causing it to explode, the book says making the Atom decay. Either one, decay or explode, explains exactly what I have believed for the past ten years. Only I have put myself in the place of the particle or Atom, and it is I who am decaying from observation. And the observation is exactly what was underlying Einstein's scientific beliefs; that greater force that is beyond our ability to see or understand. I would often say over the recent years that I could see beyond the veil. Simply because what was beyond the veil was seeing me. And it altered me tremendously. Who or what can possibly be oneself if one is being observed closely and not supposed to know it? If I was so altered, why not too the particle? Decaying, yes, because the very act of being watched is decaying, destructive, peeling. A breaking down of all that one is. It is nearly impossible to explain. It must be experienced to be understood and to experience it is to die in a way. In so many ways.
Einstein said, if we cannot know whether or not what is out there is actually out there, if it is left to chance or possibility, then what is physics? If there are no laws and absolutes governing reality, then....
Then the reality is life is but a dream. And I do not believe that either. But I do believe that we are being governed. As did Albert. He believed that we had no choice, no random ability to change the way it would be, no free will. And I agree. It is all planned, all laid out, and we are observed. And most of us do not know that, and those that do are kept from the rest, as a virus might be kept from the healthy. Alpha and Omega= anagram of Planned Game.
I wonder if Einstein would have thought this nutty. I am a simpleton with a nutty belief, in a world that believes in a father God who sits on a cloud and judges us, while everything else is governed by natural normal laws. There is no such thing as ghosts, or invisible people, or flying without an airplane, or magic. But the computer chip is ok. That's been approved by the media, so it is not magic.
Everything around us is magical in my opinion. But this is probably because I do not understand science and so it appears to me as magic. Well, what is the difference? Others do not understand this theory that I live in. So they think I am nuts or believing in magic, when in fact, it is absolutely real. As real as picking up a plastic box and holding it to your ear and hearing the voice of someone 3 thousand miles away. That can be explained through wire and satellite. And my communication can only be explained through my experience. I do not have the backing of the community, I am alone in my observations. And precisely because I am alone, I am able to experience it. And precisely because I experience it, I am kept from being believed.
Einstein was able to be believed. He was not your run of the mill person though. He WAS from beyond. But maybe he didn't know that while he was here. Or maybe he did. He had the shine of God. Those persons who ellicit adoration and bring greatness to our planet are all from there. They carry the peculiar light of God, like Jesus, causing people to be overwhelmed with love. I have experienced that. I met my observer. I rose out of the petrie dish and had dinner with reality.


  1. Such a lucid description of what often appears to be like an elusive concept to most. Abigail, you are no simpleton. You read, you absorb, you juxtapose your new acquisitions against what you already know, and you inform yourself and your reader...

    So, in order for something to be observed, it had to alter (or be altered). The question is does this change need an agent, or is it a natural, spontaneous, unprovoked process? Your basic supposition seems to be true, because when you want to preserve something, you tend to keep it outside the hands of time, in a no-gravity zone so to say. Then, it freezes, at least for a while until it encounters time, and then it is brought back into history, and starts to alter and decay. But is there really a no-time zone? And if so, is it the before-big-bang-point or after? Can consciousness exist outside time? Can matter exist outside time? A few questions occasioned by reading your on-the-verge-of-the-customary blog. Just responding and thinking outloud really. Please don't mind me.

    Thank you.

  2. Ali Your response to my postings has pleased me so much. It is rare to communicate with someone so intelligent and thoughtful as you. I like your thinking outloud. Is there really a no time zone? I once thought time was everything, but now I am not sure it is anything at all. I wonder if we make it so, to spice up existence. There is that pesky string theory which says all time is stretched out and possibly able to be jumped around on...maybe if we learned to quantum-jump like the particles can, we could jump back to childhood. But I think it does not leave room for any change, only to relive the same experience.
    I wonder about the big bang, too. It sounds eerily like a nuclear blast, doesn't it? I like that you say when you want to preserve something, you keep it outside the hands of time. That is exactly true. I had not thought of that.
    As for the observed being altered, I think I did not say it clearly in this post... when a particle is observed it DOES alter. It does not change first, it changes when it is seen. It is the possibility of it not even being there UNLESS it is observed that astounded Einstein and what he could not bring himself to believe. It is the "tree falling in the forest" theory.. if no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? Or is it even there at all without being observed? These particles, when they are observed, change instantly. Even if one is observed and another is a million miles away, it too changes. So the question is, what is reality? If it is only there when we observe it...
